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Welcome to Avomax Travel and Study
With Avomax
Avomax Global Services is your trusted travel consultancy in Zimbabwe, dedicated to helping students pursue their academic dreams in India Apply Now
Business Planning Avomax Avomax Global Services empowers Africans students to achieve academic success by providing expert travel consultancy Our services Welcome to Avomax Trusted Partners
Boundless opportunities
Our strong network of partner universities and institutions in India ensures you have access to world-class education and resources. Together, we help you build a brighter future Apply Now

Our Vision

To be the leading travel consultancy connecting African students with global educational opportunities, fostering growth and success.

Our Mission

To provide personalized, reliable, and seamless services that empower students to pursue their academic dreams abroad

Our Goal

To ensure every student we assist achieves a smooth transition to world-class institutions, unlocking their full potential
About us

Your Travel Partner

Established in 2019, Avomax Global Services is a trusted travel consultancy based in Zimbabwe, dedicated to helping students achieve their academic dreams in India. Over the years, we have built a strong reputation for delivering reliable and personalized services, guiding countless students through every step of their journey abroad.

Expert Guidance
Seamless Process
Strong Partnerships
Affordable Services
Consulting Experience

Expert Team

Dedicated to guiding students with personalized support

Our Partners

We collaborate with top-tier universities and institutions in India

Our Students

made my dream of studying in India a reality with their support

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WhatsApp Image 2024-12-07 at 9.12.32 PM

Travel & Study with Avomax Global Services

At Avomax Global Services, we offer comprehensive solutions to make your journey to studying in India seamless and stress-free. From admissions to post-arrival support, we’re with you every step of the way

Our Achievements

Our Milestones, Turning Dreams into Achievements

Since 2019, Avomax Global Services has proudly assisted hundreds of students in achieving their dream of studying in India. With partnerships across top universities and a 95% success rate in visa processing, we’ve become a trusted name in educational consultancy

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See Our Success Stories

We are dedicated to support you

Our Progress

Every great achievement begins with a decision to try

Since our inception in 2019, Avomax Global Services has grown from a small consultancy to a trusted leader in educational travel services. We’ve successfully assisted hundreds of students in securing admissions to prestigious institutions in India, building strong partnerships with universities and delivering exceptional results

Success Stories from Our Students

Happiness is the key to success

Our testimonials section shares the stories of students who trusted us to guide their journey to studying in India. Discover how we helped them achieve their dreams, and let their experiences inspire you to take the next step towards academic success


Insights and Inspiration for Your Journey Abroad

Discover tips, stories, and advice on studying in India, travel tips, and the experiences of our students. Our blog is your go-to resource for everything you need to know about achieving success abroad


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(10am - 05 pm)