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How International Graduations Are Celebrated in India and the Value Indians Place on Education

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  • How International Graduations Are Celebrated in India and the Value Indians Place on Education

Graduating from university is a momentous occasion for students worldwide, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. In India, international students experience this significant milestone with a mix of tradition, celebration, and pride. This blog post explores how graduation is celebrated in India and the deep value that Indians place on education.

Celebrating Graduation in India: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

In India, graduation ceremonies for international students are often a blend of cultural traditions and contemporary practices, providing a unique and memorable experience. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Cultural Ceremonies and Customs
    Indian graduation ceremonies are steeped in tradition. International students often participate in a ceremony that includes the wearing of a traditional cap (commonly known as a ‘mortarboard’) and gown. These are often colored differently based on the field of study (e.g., science, arts, commerce). Students are recognized not only for their academic achievements but also for their cultural adaptability and resilience in a new environment. The ceremony typically involves speeches from university officials, highlighting the students’ journey, challenges, and accomplishments.
  2. The Academic Procession
    The graduation day usually begins with an academic procession, where faculty and graduating students march to the venue. The procession is accompanied by music and sometimes features a traditional dance or music performance that symbolizes the student’s journey in India. This fusion of Western academic traditions and Indian culture creates a rich, diverse atmosphere that students cherish.
  3. The Ritual of the Convocation Ceremony
    The convocation ceremony is the heart of the graduation celebration. During this event, students receive their diplomas and degrees from university officials. In some cases, international students might have the opportunity to wear a sash or stole that represents their home country, symbolizing their journey and connection to their heritage. The ceremony also includes the ceremonial lighting of a lamp, a tradition that signifies knowledge and enlightenment, reflecting the value that Indians place on education.
  4. Cultural Performances and Celebrations
    After the formal ceremony, international students often take part in cultural performances or exhibitions showcasing their countries’ traditions and customs. This not only adds to the vibrant atmosphere but also allows students to share their heritage with their peers and faculty. These events are a way for students to connect with the Indian community and feel a sense of belonging, despite being far from home.
  5. Family and Friends
    Unlike some Western cultures where graduation ceremonies are more intimate, in India, it’s common for families to travel from far and wide to attend the event. This communal celebration is filled with joy, pride, and tears of happiness. It reflects the significant role that families play in an individual’s educational journey. For international students, having their families present at the graduation is often a deeply moving experience, allowing them to share their success with those who supported them throughout their studies.

Indians’ Cherished Value of Education

Education holds a special place in Indian culture. It’s often seen as a means of social mobility and a tool for personal and professional growth. This value is reflected in various ways:

  1. Parental Expectations
    In many Indian families, there is a strong expectation that children pursue higher education. This expectation comes with the belief that education will lead to better job opportunities and a brighter future. Many families make significant sacrifices to ensure their children receive the best education possible, often funding international studies through savings, loans, or by arranging scholarships.
  2. Education as a Gateway to Success
    Indians view education as a critical gateway to success. It’s not just about securing a degree but about gaining knowledge, skills, and experiences that will enable a student to excel in their chosen career. The value placed on education is evident in the rigorous entrance exams students must pass to gain admission to universities, including prestigious institutions.
  3. Respect for Teachers and Scholars
    In Indian culture, teachers are highly respected. They are seen as mentors and guides, and their knowledge and wisdom are cherished. International students studying in India often find that their professors are not only knowledgeable but also approachable and supportive. This environment fosters a strong bond between students and educators, creating a positive and conducive learning atmosphere.
  4. The Role of Education in Society
    Education is viewed as a tool for societal transformation in India. It’s seen as a way to break the cycle of poverty and to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to contribute to the nation’s growth and development. This belief is reflected in government policies, which prioritize education at all levels and provide access to higher education for students from diverse backgrounds.


Graduating in India as an international student is not just a ceremonial event; it’s a celebration of academic achievement, cultural diversity, and personal growth. The fusion of tradition and modernity in graduation ceremonies, coupled with the deep value Indians place on education, makes this experience unique and meaningful. For many international students, studying in India is an opportunity to gain not only knowledge but also a lifelong connection to a culture that values education and personal development above all.

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