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Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism

Avomax Global Services offers comprehensive medical tourism services in India, providing students and individuals from around the world access to high-quality healthcare at world-renowned hospitals and medical facilities. Our dedicated team ensures that every step of your medical journey—from initial consultation to post-treatment care—is handled with the utmost professionalism and care.

Our Medical Tourism Services Include:

  1. Personalized Medical Consultation
    We assist you in finding the best hospitals and specialists in India, based on your specific medical needs. Our team connects you with top doctors, ensuring you receive expert advice and treatment plans tailored to your condition.

  2. Seamless Coordination
    From arranging appointments to providing transportation and accommodation, our team manages all logistics to make your experience stress-free. We coordinate with hospitals to ensure timely treatments and follow-ups.

  3. Access to Advanced Facilities
    India is home to some of the best medical institutions in the world, equipped with cutting-edge technology and experienced medical professionals. Avomax connects you with top hospitals that specialize in a range of treatments, from cardiology and neurology to cosmetic surgery and orthopedics.

  4. Pre and Post-Treatment Support
    We provide comprehensive support throughout your medical journey— from pre-treatment health checks and travel planning to post-treatment recovery and follow-ups. Our team ensures that you have access to the best medical care during your stay in India.

  5. Cost-Effective Solutions
    One of the major advantages of medical tourism in India is the cost savings without compromising on quality. Avomax helps you access high-quality medical care at a fraction of the cost you might incur in other countries.

  6. Cultural and Relocation Support
    Understanding the challenges of relocating for medical treatment, we offer assistance with visa requirements, language translation, and cultural adaptation. Our team ensures a smooth transition so that you can focus on your recovery.



Navigating the admission process can be overwhelming. We simplify it by helping you prepare and submit applications to top universities in India, ensuring all requirements are met for a successful admission.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)